Thursday, September 6, 2018

Unleashing the Innovators - Jim Stengel

I picked up this book because I saw some parallels with my professional life and I thought it might help and it does. The author dives into the topic of high large corporations can get in their own way by adding red tape and still be able to move at the pace of a small startup.

Its no secret that large corporations have policies and bureaucracies to protect themselves and perform better but something gets lost in terms of innovation due to the time it takes to react. Conversely a 5 people startup company can pivot into a new market, process, product in a fraction of the time that a large corporation can.  This book dives into the concept of marrying the two. This isn't a new concept and a lot of corporations leverage innovation by forming innovation hubs and acquiring startups but mostly this book focuses on partnerships.

A lot of recommendations and pitfalls regarding forming good partnerships was helpful to me to understand, and its written in plain English with plenty of real world examples from tech companies that you might recognize, not to mention that also keeps it very interesting. I'd recommend this to anyone in the corporate world working in partnerships to get guidance on ideas and pitfalls, no matter the size of your org.

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