Thursday, October 9, 2008

I hope they serve beer in Hell - Tucker Max

OMFG! This book was so funny that I couldn't pick it up for bedtime reading because I'd find myself up till 2am with tears in my eyes laughing my ass off. The whole book is a collection of his drinking and sex stories from his blog @ Making fun of rednecks, fat people, ugly women with no bounds, he makes telling the truth sound like a disease. His friends and drinking nights sort of remind me me of my own drinking nights but not nearly as as crazy. This guys lifestyle will make your fun nights sound like a church bingo party.

I picked up this book because I was in the mood for reading something humorous and I mistakenly stumbled upon on a phenomenon. Apparently this guys blog and his stories are famous and he's on his way to make a movie. Internet celeberities of the new era at its best.

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