The title of this book and the synopsis caught my eye and it doesn't disappoint. Based on the WW2 era this book dives into the background and execution of the idea that England's weakness in time's of war is that they engaged in 'Gentlemanly' warfare and never hit 'below the belt'.
Winston Churchill is not the center of this book but he certainly an important peripheral character that is the shadow enforcer for the entire premise of this book. That if England has any chance against nazi Germany, they would have to resort to ungentlemanly tactics. The answer was a scrappy team of mathematicians, engineers and scientists who changed the direction of the war. After the initial setup the book dives deeply into a few sabotage missions that this team performed which proved to be a real thorn in Hitlers side.
I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about the underdog, world war 2 or Churchill. This book is written with several comedic undertones with all the true to life characters and many times makes you feel like you were there.